Cycle of the Ear
Listen to the results of the sound walks through-out Aarhus in 2016/7 and the echos of many more discoveries: the Garden of Languages, the Murmur River, the Monument of Spinning Sounds, the Point of Breath near the Sound Set Beach…First birth, than laughter, murmurmar and in the center sonicArk’s wind pillars with the Flying Orchestra, a play-ground full of memory in the Ear of the Future – that’s the Cycle of the Ear of sonicArk from October 2016 till August 2017. Credit: Echoes of the Bell of Birth is composed as a poetic/musical answer in honorable recognition to the artwork Bell of Birth in Dokk 1 by Kirstine Roepstorff. (Copyright of the fotos by Jürgen Hankeln, Franziska Grob, Andres Bosshard)
Cycle of the Ear
Listen to the results of the sound walks through-out Aarhus in 2016/7 and the echos of many more discoveries: the Garden of Languages, the Murmur River, the Monument of Spinning Sounds, the Point of Breath near the Sound Set Beach…First birth, than laughter, murmurmar and in the center sonicArk’s wind pillars with the Flying Orchestra, a play-ground full of memory in the Ear of the Future – that’s the Cycle of the Ear of sonicArk from October 2016 till August 2017. Credit: Echoes of the Bell of Birth is composed as a poetic/musical answer in honorable recognition to the artwork Bell of Birth in Dokk 1 by Kirstine Roepstorff. (Copyright of the fotos by Jürgen Hankeln, Franziska Grob, Andres Bosshard)
A small fleet of solar boats will carry numerous murmuring, whispering and singing members of several Aarhus choirs, from Mølleparken down the Aarhus Å River to Åboulevarden 3, the mouth of the river at the harbour. There all the singers will disembark, ending their performance in the open sound field of the sonicArk installation. This adventurous expedition of a fleet of swimming choirs will be recorded just like the flying orchestra: a group of mobile microphone carriers will document the entire expedition while recording varied simultaneous listening perspectives. A few carriers will be on the boats among the singers, others will wait under bridges and move along the riverside. Some will even send up a recording balloon. Murmermar is dedicated to that most valuable sound quality of a city, namely the stream of murmurs, which is constantly growing and flowing between the houses and along the streets, to finally disappear while ascending to the open sky (this almost mysterious choreography of all our daily sounds is the model for the behaviours of all sounds of the compositions of sonicArk).

Flying Orchestra
A group of about a dozen children visited the symphonic concert of the program launch event in the Aarhus Theatre. The children, with small recording devices in their hands, moved between the playing instruments on stage. The recordings created in this way have been translated into a multi-channel score for the sonicArk installation setup. Clapping three times in ones hands Listen! and the flying orchestra had embraced the listing audience with the sounds, originating from the children’s recordings, and literally flew them to and fro across the air of the Europaplads.
sonicArk’s Wind Pillars
The strong and almost permanent wind on Europaplads was the conductor of all sound performances which featured stored recording pleasures from Aarhus. The movements of the air above the Europaplads articulated live the panning movements of the actual sounds throughout the multichannel setup. People could request a choreophonic piece on site. During 9-12 am and 15-20 pm the sonicArk installation listened for three hand clappings, which started the flying orchestra to appear (5 min).
The sonicArk compositions encompassed all the sounds of the pleasure recordings from 2016 and 2017, like the Flying Orchestra, Playground for the Ears of Blind People, the Factory of Memory, the Talking Bird, the Fountain of Laughters and the Whind Whirls by Lucas Niggli. The sonicArk’s Windpillars have been active from 10.6. till 4.8.2017 from 9 am to 21 pm.
The Windpillars have been baptised in the opening ceremony with the following names (from left to right): Hei Neither, You Either, Oh And.
Playground for the Ears of Blind People
A group of blind people were guiding me across the soundscape of Aarhus. We developed a joyous way of listening mode, where we all began to play with the acoustic properties of various locations. Three recording pleasures from the echo circle in the Mindeparken, a stroll through the haunting acoustic of Bruun’s Galleri and the exquisite shaped soundscape in the Dokk1 will be included in the compositions of the virtual windmill of sonicArk at Europaplads.
The Factory of Memory
Three teams have been recording the voices and sounds of the old workshops for four hours of interviews and spontaneous story-telling. A true cloud of recorded sounds of the Værkstedet Østergade 40 will be the result. It will be published as a radiophonic documentation, and as a composition for the wind-active sonicArk installation at Europaplads during the summer of 2017. It will be also part of the presentation in the sound garden performance at the Universitetsparkens amfiscene at the weekend of 11.-13. August 2017.

The ear of the future
Soundgarden, singing trees and performances of all the results of sonicArk: Flying Orchestra, Playground for the Ears of Blind People, the Factory of Memory, and Murmurmar as live performances in the scenic soundscape of the Universitetsparkens amfiscene: Victor Albecks Vej 1, 8000 Aarhus C. Free entrance.
Friday 11.8.17
16.00 Soundgarden opens.
18.00 – 19.00 Soundgarden, singing trees, installation, sounds of Aarhus, remix by Andres Bosshard.
19.30 – 20.00 Earchestra Aarhus Pigekor live, composition Jacob Kirkegaard, voice arrangements Katinka Fogh Vindelev, spatial distribution throughout the singing trees Andres Bosshard.
20.30 vibrations and sonic winds, a live soundgarden, Jacob Kirkegaard /Andres Bosshard.
21.30 end of Soundgarden.
Saturday 12.8.17
16.00 Soundgarden opens.
18.00 – 19.00 Soundgarden, singing trees, installation, sounds of Aarhus, remix by Andres Bosshard.
19.30 – 20.00 Earchestra, Aarhus Pigekor live, composition Jacob Kirkegaard, voice arrangements Katinka Fogh Vindelev, spatial distribution throughout the singing trees Andres Bosshard.
20.30 vibrations and sonic winds, a live soundgarden, Jacob Kirkegaard /Andres Bosshard.
21.30 end of Soundgarden.
Sunday 13.8.17
10.30 Soundgarden opens.
10.30 Soundgarden, singing trees, installation, sounds of Aarhus, remix by Andres Bosshard.
11.00 Murmurmar echo encluding På ny by Kristine Poulsgaard Tjørnholm live choir team directed by Birgitte Lykke Stein.
11.30 Soundgarden, singing trees, installation, sounds of Aarhus, remix by Andres Bosshard.
12.00 end of Soundgarden.
Featuring: Earchestra for Voices
A live performance in the sonic garden by Aarhus Pigekor, of a new vocal composition by Jacob Kirkegaard, with voice arrangements by Katinka Fogh Vindelev. The vocal work is composed from tones generated in the inner ear, it connects two intimate organs of the human body: the ear and the voice. The faint tones recorded deep inside the ears will be interpreted for voice and performed live. In Spring 2017 Jacob Kirkegaard has recorded the sound of Aarhus Pigekor‘s ears and collected those that emit tones. He then filtered and organized all the ear ‚chords‘ into a composition that is now entirely based on tones emitted from the ears of Aarhus Pigekor.

Sound experience walks
Sound Experience Walks by Trond Maag and Rikke Munck Petersen.
Meeting point: Busstop den gamle by / cereskrydset.
The walks were ending at Universitetsparken amfiscene.
11.8.17 at 12:00 and 15:00
12.8.17 at 12:00 and 15:00